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The Surface Structure, Deposition & Adsorption Calculator

Blue fields allow input; press <RETURN> or <TAB> to calculate.

INPUT: Element
(the substrate) Lattice Type
Lattice constant a= pm
Surface orientation
STRUCTURE: Nearest-neighbor dist. (bulk): pm
Nearest-neighbor dist. (surf.): pm
Interlayer distance: pm
Atoms (unit cells) per area:

(on the substrate Density kg/m3
entered above) Atomic/molecular mass amu
Atom density: m-3
1 ML * corresponds to:
or: pm **.
If deposited on a MHz crystal, ***
1 ML * causes Hz frequency shift.

ADSORPTION OF: Atom/Molecule
(on the substrate Atomic/molecular mass amu
entered above) Dissociating into fragment(s)
Sticking coefficient
Gas pressure mbar
Gas temperature K
1 ML * corresponds to L (Langmuir; 1 L = 10−6 torr s)
1 ML * needs to adsorb.

*    “Monolayer” (ML) refers to a pseudomorphic monolayer, i.e., a layer with the same density of atoms (unit cells) per area as the substrate (irrespective of whether such a layer of the given atoms/molecules can exist or not).
**   Reading on a quartz crystal microbalance.
*** Enter actual (current) frequency, not nominal frequency here. For standard (AT-cut) crystals; not for heavily pre-loaded crystals.

Copyright © by Michael Schmid, IAP/TU Wien Surface Physics Group 2002-2023.

surface/surfcryst.txt · Last modified: 2023-10-16 21:44 (external edit)