16th International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions (IISC-16)

September 17 - 22, 2006 Schloss Hernstein, A-2560 Hernstein, Austria

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IISC-16 Conference Proceedings


Deadline for Manuscript Submission

Manuscript submission 18. Sep. 2006

Conference Proceedings

The conference proceedings will be published by ELSEVIER Publ. in a special (but consecutively numbered) issue of Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms (NIMB), after a regular peer reviewing process. The format, letter-type and layout will be exactly the same as for the journal.

This special issue of NIMB is only included in the registration fee for regular participants. Students can order their copy of the proceedings at the registration desk at a reduced price of 72 Euro. Twenty-five free offprints of each contribution will be made available, free of charge. Additional offprints can be ordered in accordance with the standard prices of the journal.

Only manuscripts of contributions actually presented at the conference will be considered for publication.
Submission of a manuscript implies that it (or a similar version) has not been published or is not being considered for publication elsewhere and that the authors have obtained the necessary authorization for publication.

The length of papers should be of four journal pages for contributed papers (both oral and poster communications). Invited progress reports and review lectures should not exceed six and eight pages, respectively. Manuscripts that are deemed to be too long will be returned to the authors.

Participants who have sent multiple abstracts are discouraged to submit more than two papers. Rather, they are encouraged to concentrate their efforts on one paper only, aiming at quality of presentation rather than at quantity.

Papers will be reviewed by referees who will not necessarily be selected among conference participants. When submitting papers, authors are invited to give a list of up to five names and e-mail addresses of persons they consider able to referee their paper.

Due to close scheduling in the editing and publishing processes, manuscripts requiring extensive modifications (regarding length, contents or language) and a second round of refereeing will have to be rejected.

Manuscript Preparation

(see also the instructions on the publishers Author Gateway. )

• The manuscript should be submitted at the conference editorial desk on Monday, September 18, 2006. Three hard copies and an electronic version is required (please bring a CD-ROM or an USB-Stick containg at least a pdf-version of the manuscript).

• Manuscripts should be written in good English. They should be typed throughout with double line-spacing and wide margins on numbered, single column pages.

Structure: Please adhere to the following order of presentation: article title, author(s), affiliations, abstract, PACS codes and keywords, main text, acknowledgements, appendices, references, figure captions, tables. Do not import the Figures into the text file. If you use LaTeX to write your articles, please follow the LaTeX file guidelines.

Corresponding author: The name, full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address of the corresponding author should be given on the first page.

PACS codes/keywords: Please supply one or more relevant PACS classification codes and up to 6 keywords of your own choice for indexing purposes.

References: References to other publications should be numbered consecutively within square brackets in the order in which they appear in the manuscript, and listed together at the end of the text. The authors may opt also to give the full titles of papers published in journals. In case, that must be for all journal papers listed. In case of multiple authorship, all authors should be listed in the references. Only in case of more than ten authors is it acceptable to list the first author 'et al.'

• In order to help you judge the length of the paper, we list below a quick method of estimating the manuscript length:

Total number of manuscript pages, typed with double line spacing ...................... A
Number of one-column tables .......................................................................... I
Number of figure panels .................................................................................. J
Estimated number of printed pages = 0.5A+0.25(I+J)

Notification: You will be notified by the Editor of the acceptance of your contribution. After acceptance we will need an electronic version that exactly matches your contribution, in an editable format (i.e. not pdf) on a diskette or CD.

Illustrations: The Publisher requires a set of good quality figures preferrably in electronic form (for instructions please follow the Art work instructions link on the Author Gateway). Colour figures can be printed in colour if this is essential to the presentation. The special cost for reproduction of colour pages is EUR 635.00 for the first colour page, EUR 318.00 per colour page thereafter (excluding VAT). These costs will be borne by the authors of the contribution containing one or more colour pages. These authors will jointly receive 100 complimentary offprints of their contribution. Further information can be obtained from the Publisher.

Page proofs: Page proofs are sent out to the Author in order to check that no undetected errors have arisen in the typesetting or file conversion process. Only typesetting errors may be corrected in the proofs. No changes in, or additions to, the accepted paper will be accepted.

Copyright transfer: In the course of the production process the authors will be asked to transfer the copyright of the article to the publisher. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information.

Referee's Response Form

Please download the Response Form for Referees here.

16th International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions
September 17-22, 2006, Schloss Hernstein, A-2560 Hernstein, Austria
Chair: Friedrich AUMAYR, Institut für Allgemeine Physik, TU-Wien
IISC-16 home page: http://www.iap.tuwien.ac.at/IISC16
e-Mail: iisc16@iap.tuwien.ac.at

- Last modified : Nov. 7, 2005 -